南京朗阁雅思小编今天给大家讲讲分裂句,分裂句是什么,究竟如何使用。 分裂句是以it为引导词的强调句型。句型是这样的:It is/was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分。例如说It was Jane that/who called this morning. 那为什么在口语答题中需要用到分裂句呢?那是因为分裂句可以起到突出强调表达重点的效果,持句子平衡,使答题的逻辑性强,清晰易懂,也符合西方人的思维习惯。 分裂句能体现语法结构的多样性,通常看到的很多答题范例都会有各种的高端句式,目的其实就是为了让同学们通过学习掌握这些句式。 下面雅思小编通过原创答题范例来分析一下分裂句究竟怎么用。 Q: Have you ever learnt any courses about stars and planets at school? A: Yes, I have. It was actually my geography teacher who taught me about them. He was incredibly encouraging but quite strict, because he was convinced that these courses can provide us with basic knowledge that we should learn in order to better understand our universe. 在回答这道题时使用分裂句强调了是我的地理老师教我这些课程的。然后顺理成章地进一步描述了为什么他认为要学习这些课程。如果回答”Yes, I have. My geography teacher taught me about them.”,那显然这道题的回答是不够充分的。 Q: Who bought your clothes for you when you were a child? A: When I was a kid, it was my parents who chose the clothes for me. When they noticed that I was short of clothes, they would take me to the stores in downtown areas, and picked out the clothes that would suit me most. 这里使用分裂句避免了答题时再简单重复问题,不让考官觉得我们在凑回答字数,同时,也为下面我们要回答的内容定了拓展方向,方便我们进一步进行补充说明。 还有其他几种形式的分裂结构,童鞋们也可以去尝试使用在答题中。 • What 引导的分裂句: What he wanted to buy was a BMW. What we now need are actions rather than words. What we enjoyed most is the brilliant music in the ballet performance. • All 引导的分裂句: All he wanted to buy was a BMW. All they need is love and support. All I want in life is to be safe and healthy. • 推论类: It is not that he loves her. It's just that he has a way with her that is different. It is not that Jack is malevolent. It's just that he makes strict demands on them. • If - because类: If he wants to be an actor, it's because he wants to be famous. If she was reticent, it's just because she was sad. 通过这样的讲解不知道同学们学会没有。看过此文请勤加练习,只有通过练习才知道是否掌握此技巧。多雅思备考内容尽在南京朗阁雅思频道。 (责任编辑:admin) |