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时间:2015-09-23 14:03来源:朗阁小编作者:don

雅思口语考试中,有个经典问题“Do you like your job?”在发音OK没有问题的基础上,一般不同的分数段回答的答案是酱紫:

  Answer 1: No. / No, I don't.(3-4分)(亲,你倒是再多说一点呀!)

  Answer 2: No. Because the working hours are too long.(5分)

  Answer 3: No. It's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. I really want to find a better job. (6分)

  Answer 4: No, I don't(直接回答问题). It's too stressful(形容词的使用), the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low(解释原因). I really want to find a better job(总结)(7分)

  Answer 5: No, I don't, to tell you the truth. There's virtually(副词的运用) nothing I like about it. For example(举例,扩展答案), it's too stressful,the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. So, as you can imagine(短语), I really want to find a better job(总结). (8分)

  吼吼,所谓不破不立, 后看一个答案:

  Would you say your hometown is a good place to live?

  A: Not exactly(委婉的否定). It's not a bad place to live because(介绍原因) it's clean and it's close to the ocean and there are quite a few new companies so most people can find a job(复杂句型), but I really would prefer to live somewhere else because ... I don't know ... maybe it's just a bit boring for people of my age. For example(举例), there's very little night life and there's nothing much to do on the weekends.

  这个答案并没有出现高难度的词汇,但是逻辑性很强,调理很清晰。作为英语非母语的考生已经回答 的很好了。在这里,给大家整理十大8分高能副词,雅思口语中,除了形容词能帮你提数外,虽然这些副词看似简单,但是若能恰如其当的使用那便是极好的, 能大大提高大家的雅思口语分数。

  1. hopefully 有希望的

  例句: This will help with my assimilation to a new culture and hopefully make new friends. 这样有助于我融入新的文化,并且有望交到新朋友。



  2. approximately 大约

  例句: Our English teacher is approximately in her thirties. 我们英语老师有30岁模样。


  3. strangely 怪异地

  例句: Slowly and strangely, the place began to grow on me. 真是不可思议,我渐渐地喜欢上这个地方了。

  可用场景: 地点类、旅游类话题可用

  4. luckily 幸运地

  例句: Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby. 幸好附近就有一个出租车候客处。

  可用场景: 事件经历类话题可用,比如一次迟到的经历,堵车的经历等等。

  5. unfortunately 遗憾地

  例句: Unfortunately, I haven't seen him for several months since he attends university abroad. 很遗憾,自从他出国我已经好几个月没见过他了。

  可用场景: 朋友类话题,比如“一个多年不见的朋友”,“一个健谈的朋友”等等

  6. actually 实际上

  例句: They always say time changes everything, but you actually have to change it yourself. 人们总说时间会改变一切,但事实上,你必须自己去改变一切。

  可用场景: 事件经历类话题可用

  7. definitely 一定地

  例句: Definitely, it isnecessary and vital for people to have a solid understanding of their country's history. 对于人们来说,充分了解自己国家的历史是很有必要而且必须的。

  可用场景: 地点建筑类、历史类话题,比如“一个历史景点”、“博物馆”等等

  8. probably 或许

  例句: Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get. 游泳或许是现有的 佳锻炼方式。

  可用场景: 运动类话题,比如“你喜欢的运动”、“你常用的放松的方式”等

  9. frequently 频繁地

  例句: Eating out too frequently is not good for family members' communication. 频繁地出去吃饭不利于家人之间的交流。

  可用场景: meal类话题,比如“一家常去吃饭的餐馆”等

  10. normally 通常地

  例句: Normally, a scientifically set class schedule is beneficial for the future development of the children. 通常来说,科学的课程表设置对孩子的长远发展有利。

  可用场景: subject类话题,比如“你讨厌或喜欢的学科”等




  基本上考官问的一些较难的题目他都自己来回答,而放一些简单的题目来问你,让你觉得考官是世界上 好的人。别做梦了,世界上哪有这么好的人啊!他要是全说了你说什么啊亲!你不说那还怎么考啊亲!总之你的分数:5分以下............


   考官是老太太,一脸不情愿的样子,没有一点耐心,在听的时候,还不停地摇头,一副很不屑的样子。对付这种人你要不卑不亢,直视她的眼睛,不时来一个高傲 的微笑,但是此法只针对口语功底还不错的烤鸭们,让老太太们没有气场。但是你要是水平不行,还特拽,那......你的分数:5分左右...(江湖人称5 分老太太)


  考官东张西望,没说几句就说“Ok, you can stop here.”,而且基本上盯着卡片,一副对你的表演不感兴趣的样子,从头到尾低着头连点语气变化都有这种人你一定要想方设法引起他的注意,否则......你的分数:6分左右




