每年都会有雅思口语的变题季,但是并不是说,在变题季之外,雅思口语就没有新题,虽然这种变化并不大!很多考生会在7月末的时候参加雅思培训的课程,所以8月份成了雅思考试 忙碌的月份!
1、时态的变化 这是 常见的变法,题目仍旧是老套的题目,但时态发生了变化。比如题目“A trip you went but you would like to go again ,这道题目里面涉及了过去时和将来时,而雅思会把时态换成两个过去时,那么这道题就变成了 A place that you went twice, 其实题目都是一样的,只是本应该用将来时形容的部分,也换成了过去时,但相当一部分的同学就会被迷惑了。 其他例子: A family member you want to work with---A family member you worked with. A long trip you took----A long trip you would like to go. 2、对象的变化 有一些题目中,涉及到施力对象和受力对象,比如 Describe a time you helped a stranger , 这个题目是你帮陌生人,那么同样对象变化后,就变成了 Describe a time a stranger helped you ,其实内容也是一样的,只是对象对掉了。 其他例子: Describe a time someone didn t tell you the whole truth---A time you didn t tell others the whold truth. Decribe a time a child that made you laugh---A time you made others laugh. 3、基本题目加入 极其偶尔,一些考官会问出一些很早以前的雅思口语题目,比如animal,plant,shopping experience,gift,building之类的。 (责任编辑:admin) |