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时间:2012-04-23 16:25来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor

 At MIT, not only do students get a world-class education, but they can also get pirate certified.

  For the past 20 years, students who have completed classes in pistol, archery, sailing and fencing are considered pirates. MIT decided to make it official. Last fall, the inaugural certificate program recognized six students as pirates, the Boston Globe reports:

  MIT, which requires undergrads to take four physical education courses, is a haven for competitive, unconventional students, and some of them wanted official recognition for their efforts. Carrie Sampson Moore, MIT’s director of physical education, said she is contacted every year by students who want to receive a tangible pirate document.

  “I always tell them it’s a student initiative,’’ she said, “and they’re very disappointed.”

  But now the physical education department is printing out official “certificates on faux parchment paper with diploma-esque calligraphy,” according to the Globe.

  One math and computer science major says he observes International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept. 19) and showed up for his big newspaper interview dressed the part: a pirate hat, eye patch, earring, knickers and a stuffed parrot on his shoulder.

  MIT, typically known for hard-core math and science, also offers degrees in charm.


        近几年来随着雅思阅读考试难度的不断增加,阅读已经成为IELTS考试中 有挑战性的一部分,那么提升雅思阅读速度与成绩,必然与大量的阅读素材是分不开的,今天小编就为大家整理了“雅思阅读趣味短文赏析:麻省海盗学位”。




