一、备题 备题,指的是充分理解近年来考过的每道雅思写作题目。理解写作题目和做阅读理解不同,阅读可以模糊理解,但写作题目必须精确理解。事实上,很多考生对题目的理解很不到位,甚至只是把题目中的每个单词翻译成中文,然后将这些中文单词串联成句子,这样很有可能会导致错解题意。写作需要“精准”,审题如果失之毫厘,文章则会谬以千里。不过这个问题也不难解决,阅读并精确理解2006年至今的Task2题目,就可以基本证在实际考试时不会有审题障碍。 二、备结构 Task2的提问形式各异,但万变不离其宗,比如下面四道题,主题相似,相应的写作结构也大同小异。 1. Some parents believe that Chinese students should go abroad for further education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (记为A+/A-题:A+代表支持该观点,A-代表反对该观点) 2. Some Chinese students go abroad for further education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for them to do so and give your own opinion. (记为A+/A-题:A+代表做某事的优点,A-代表做某事的缺点) 3. Some people think that Chinese students should go abroad for further education. Others believe that Chinese students should receive further education in China. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (记为A/B题:A和B分别代表两方观点) 4. Recently, many Chinese students go abroad for further education. Give reasons for this phenomenon and recommendations for them to make the most of the experience. (记为PRS题: Problems + Reasons+ Solutions ) Task2写作的字数要求是250词。五段式是Task2写作 为经典的段落结构。写作时通常先对自己不支持的观点进行让步,这样就会使文章各主体段落间呈依次递进的逻辑关系,得出 终观点的过程也比 后写让步段来得自然。 (责任编辑:admin) |