雅思词汇:非母语英语者发音拗口单词25个 大家有没有碰到一些特别拗口的单词呢?比如说crisps,嗷~~这嘴巴是要闭多少次啊!再比如说有些同学会过分强调”r”这个音,甚至连遇到”l”也忍不住把舌头卷起来~ 1. thistle Be careful not to step on the thistle. 2. crisps Potato chips are called crisps in England. 3. should You should not pronounce the l when you say the word should. 4. would Would and wood sound the same when you say them out loud. 5. clothes Put on warm clothes before you head outside today. 6. order The order of these words is not important. 7. murder A man was charged with murder over the holidays. 8. air The air is so cold you can see your breath. 9. literature You can download classic literature for free online. 10. language English is a difficult language to learn. 11. onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like their meaning. 12. deterioration It is difficult to watch the deterioration of a friend’s health. 13. little If you practise, your English will improve little by little. 14. assailant The assailant was caught by the police. 15. catastrophic A catastrophic earthquake struck the centre of the city. 16. alter Don’t alter your plans just because I can’t go. 17. exclamation One exclamation mark is enough to get your point across. 18. crocodile Captain Hook was petrified of the crocodile in the movie Peter Pan. (责任编辑:admin) |