A、早起时,先听英语新闻15-20分钟(以之热身),再朗读2-3篇长度约为500字的文章。 要点:刚开始读的时候,一定要慢。求快而不得,越求快越乱。记住,你是来享受这个过程的。而后会发现,当你进入忘我状态后,速度自然越来越快,精神越来越放松,读得越来越准确。 B、适当辅以Friends之类的情景喜剧来听。(此类情景喜剧一般会将语调夸张化,这样对没有真实语境的我们来说是很好的刺激材料。) C、模仿新概念三或四册的磁带。众人一听这个名字就望而却步,因觉得工程过于浩大。实则不然。只需要模仿其中一篇即可。记住,贪多嚼不烂,模仿是找感觉。 遍,全文聆听,眼观文章。 第二遍,按住暂停,逐句模仿。 第三遍,全文聆听,自己跟读。 雅思口语技巧(英) Don't give one word answer--Develop What You Say Transcript Examiner: Can you tell me something you like about your job? Candidate: The people. People are nice. They are positive. They are… Tips: The IELTS interview gives you roughly 10 to 15 minutes of time to display your English speaking skills to the examiner. If you give one-word or very short answers to questions you are not giving the examiner much with which to assess you. Even if you are asked what seems like a yes–no question you are expected to say more than a simple “yes’ or “no”. You should try to develop what you say by for example, giving reasons, opinions or describing something in more detail. In the video clip Joao is asked to tell the examiner something he likes about his job. He answers by saying “the people”, which shows that he has understood the question, but it doesn’t show off any of his English skills. What he needs to do, which eventually he does with some prompting from the examiner, is to develop his answer and describe in more detail why he likes the people he works with. (责任编辑:admin) |