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时间:2012-05-17 18:14来源:朗阁小编作者:allen

        version 29


  说两个学生讨论准备一个学生电台的事宜。Helen and Kevin talked about the campus radio station.

  1. how to get money题是关于资金来源,他们没有来源,所以只好用自己的钱。选student fund。A. student fund B. advertisement C. donation

  2. what’s the topic of the conference?

  A. how to find people to do the work B. how much to pay them for the work C. how to assign the work

  3. they want to their program to be A. unusual B. various C. local

  第二题是他们讨论的内容选 who will be in the participate.第三题是怎样来选伙伴,有share the idea和 give the record

  4~6 pick up three items that they mentioned they would do in their program in the dialogue.

  A. interview B. pop music C. current affairs D. phone-in E. local news F. forgot (the order is likely to be incorrect

  填一些每个人要做的工作和应完成的时间,答案包括以下一些: December, time planning,还有就是说话的两个人的名字可以在前面的选择题里找出来。

  7. Helen and Kevin (for they would be in charge of something)

  8. early December. (Mary’s work)

  9. time table/time planning (they should work it out

  Section2 开了个会,是会上的说明,是一个关于开会时间地点和内容的表格有 the ground floor, 3:10, Palm…之后是选择题,选项有fish(C), $15(C), contain all the cost (D)

  10. the title of the man : professor

  11. the title of his lecture: computers as teachers

  12. in a seafood restaurant/sea service restaurant

  13.passage: lift on from the ground floor

  14. time for afternoon tea: 3:10? 3.05?

  second choose the correct letter (责任编辑:admin)

