A checklist for part 1 graphs, charts and tables In task 1 it is important that you accurately describe the information from the diagram so you don’t lose marks under Task Response. The difficulty is to decide what is the key information as there is often a lot of data to process. One way of thinking about this, is to ask yourself if someone could draw the chart and graph from the information in your report. This is not easy to do and so to help you, you will find below a 8 point checklist, an exercise and a practice suggestion. Checklist Here is my 8 point checklist to help you include the relevant details. I suggest you use it to check your own work: you should be able to answer “yes”to all the questions. 1. Type of diagram 图表类型 Have you correctly identified whether it is a bar chart/line graph/pie chart/flow chart/table? 有没有说清楚这个一个什么样的图表----柱状图?线图?饼图?还是流程图? 2. The correct tense 时态 Have you correctly identified whether the data in the chart relates to past time, a current state of affairs or a future prediction? This includes not just using the correct tenses but also including specific times in your report. 有没有运用正确的时态呢?要记住,不止要用对时态,还要再小作文中写清具体的时间! 3. The subjects 对象 Have you included all the subjects that are referred to in the diagram? Even if you have a bar chart ortable naming 8 different countries for example, you still need to refer to them all in your report. 所有图表中所提到的对象都写进小作文了吗?如果图表里提到8个国家,全部都要写进去哦~ 4. Units Have you included references to the units? These may be units of time (months/years etc), money (millions of £) or simple numbers (10,000s). To do this, you need to read the x and y axes carefully. (责任编辑:admin) |