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时间:2012-05-31 10:36来源:朗阁小编作者:allen

  一、 常见语法错误大汇总
  【错误一】: 动词时态和句法结构运用单一
  写作: * Private schools can provide good teaching facilities and high teaching quality.
  * Boarding schools can develop students’ independence and self-control.
  口语: * I like swimming.
  * I love computers.
  * I have three computers.
  【分析】: 许多考生不能运用丰富的时态和语法结构。这常常使得写作语句乏味单调,口语答案展开受到限制。有些考生认为只要能回答正确就能得到。这完全是误解了考试的根本目的。考试的目的在于评估考生的英语水平和用英语表达自己思想的能力。即使问题是很简单的一般疑问句,考生也要尽可能运用各种时态和句型结构。不要总是反复使用同一个句型结构。
  【错误二】: 基本语法错误太多
  写作: * Bad performance student easy to skip school even go astray. (错误)
  * Students with bad performance are easy to skip school and even go astray. (正确)
  口语: * There has three labs in our school. (错误)
  * There are three labs in our school. (正确)
  【分析】: 朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们应尽可能避免基本语法错误。用复合句免不了犯语法错误,但犯 初级的错误是难以宽恕的。考生常犯的另一个相当初级的错误是对very的误用,他们常把“I like football very much.”说成“I very like football。”此外,he 和she的混淆也常常让考官疑惑不解。考生参加口试的目的是向考官展示自己地道的口语,而出现太多的基本语法错误是不会给考官留下好印象的。
  【错误三】: 用错代词
  写作: * School violence is most serious problem, especially in public schools. (错误)
  * School violence is the most serious problem, especially in public schools. (正确) (责任编辑:admin)

