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雅思口语topic:a celebrity you admire

时间:2012-06-12 10:47来源:朗阁小编作者:allen
  Example by Edward:
  Describe a celebrity you admire.
  Explain: who is this celebrity? What has he/she done to become popular? Why do you like him/her?
  When this topic is regarded/As the topic is mentioned (一般我都会用这两句开头,当然你也可以自己想一个开头方式), I would say a celebrity whom I admire most is the former Chinese gymnast who is named Li Ning (有时候 好的回答方式就是重复对方的问题) . Before I start, I do want to remind you that he is the man who lighted up the primary torch in Beijing Olympic Game 2008.
  Li Ning is no doubt one of the greatest athletes in China owing to his great contribution to gymnastics. As a gymnast, Li Ning demonstrated exceptional talents and perseverance/fortitude (天赋与坚毅品质)that his contemporaries didn’t possess(替换have可以展现你的词汇量). In Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games, he won 4 gold medals, which was the best performance in that game. The next year, he won another two in World Gymnastic games. Prior to Beijing Olympics, he still held a record of 14 champion titles in gymnastics. In his days, he barely can find a competitor. So this good-looking young man has often been called the prince of gymnastics.
  Having retired from his beloved game (这句话完全等于after he retired from his beloved game), Li Ning still continued his passion in the field of sports by establishing a sport wear company which was named after him. The company soon became an unprecedented success. Presently, the brand Li Ning has become a main competitor that Nike and Addidas can not ignore in the global market.
  Another reason I admire him is that Li Ning is not just a normal businessman who only cares about money, but also a man responsible for the future of the whole nation (我常用这句话来形容商人-温总理说:企业家身上应当流着道德的血液。). He often donates money to communities and the national educational program called hope plan. So everything he does can be used as positive demonstration for the youth. (责任编辑:admin)

