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时间:2012-06-12 11:02来源:朗阁小编作者:allen
  食物和烹饪一直是雅思口语中较多见的话题之一。雅思考试对于生活的贴近可见一斑。但是学生在这个话题上的发挥却常常不尽如人意。可能是我们的传统教材中很少有涉及到这个话题的,因而学生对相关的词汇较为缺乏,而由教育集团 新出版的《每天三小时冲刺雅思口语》就弥补了这一空白。
  当然,我们在描述的时候也应尽量选取较为简单的菜肴去描述,而且 好是西式菜肴。中式菜肴通常以种类繁多,烹饪复杂而著名。有时要把这样的菜介绍清楚已属不易。
  ◆ How do you cook this dish?
  ◆ Why is it your favorite dish?
  ◆ What did the meal consist of?
  ◆ Was it made for a special occasion?
  ◆ Why was the meal so special?
  ◆ Who cooks your meal?
  ◆ Who do you often eat meals with?
  ◆ Where did you cook it or eat it?
  ◆ Why did you enjoy it?
  Describe A Dish
  Describe one of your favorite dishes.
  You should say:
  From whom you learnt to cook it.
  How this dish is cooked.
  Who you usually cook for.
  And explain why you enjoy it.
  Describe A Dish
  Describe one of your favorite dishes.
  You should say:
  From whom you learnt to cook it.
  How this dish is cooked.
  Who you usually cook for.
  And explain why you enjoy it.
  {原创范例} I am not much of a cook, but I do cook one dish well—steamed fish. It is my mom’s specialty. When I moved out of my parents’ house, I missed it so much that I asked Mom to teach me how to cook it. And now I can make restaurant quality steamed fish. (责任编辑:admin)

