部分的个人熟悉话题问答题: 当考官问道:“Do you like Music?” 考生回答:“观点:yes, I do. 理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed. 例子:for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.雅思大作文思路口诀秘笈 下面我们来根据口语的四大评分标准来提高我们的答案: Fluency流利,Grammar语法,Vocabulary词汇,pronunciation发音 观点 (旧):yes, I do 观点(新):yes, I’m pretty keen on music, I’m just so passionateabout it, really a big fan of it. 理由(旧):Cuz music makes me feel relaxed. 理由(新):Cuz music can purify your mind. When listening to the music, all the pressure, panic and anxiety due to the fierce competition of the quick-paced society just disappear. 例子(旧):for example, sweet and light music are the best choice. 例子(新):especially, for instance, my favorite is some American country music, such as the famous one “ take me home, country roads”, it makes you feel a world where there are nice people, clear streams, fresh air, vast farmland and country roads with daisies and beautiful sunshine. 新的答案在语法是7分,词汇也是7分;如果学生在表达的时候能做到完美,即流利获得9分和发音也获得9分,那么,四项平均以后的得分就是8分的口语。在现实的考试当中,如果学生的Fluency6分,Pronunciation也6分,那得分就是6.5分。 这种评分方法将会继续贯穿于口语的第二部分和第三部分,考官会根据考生在三部分的综合表现打出分数,下面让我们来研究一下第二部分: 第二部分(根据要求)两分钟即兴演讲 例如:考官要求你描述一个城市,可以写一分钟笔记,要求讲话一到二分钟。 Describe a city that you like best ① (责任编辑:admin) |