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时间:2012-06-14 10:26来源:朗阁小编作者:allen
  艺术也始终是雅思考官们钟爱的一个考点,也有不少的重复率。其中较多涉及的主题有:music, work of art, sculpture, painting, handicraft, song。这类考题其实和诸如人物描述,爱好描述的卡片都有部分重合之处,大家在准备的时候也可以适当套用。比如有的卡片要求描述一个歌手,当然不可避免的要谈论他的音乐。描述爱好当然就容易串这些艺术的东西了。
  Describe A Handicraft
  Describe a handicraft you made.
  You should say:
  What it is.
  How it was made.
  How long it took to make it.
   And explain why you like it.
  {原创范例} The handicraft I am going to talk about is the paper-cut one. Before almost every Spring Festival, my mom would buy piles of paper cuttings to decorate the home. They would be pasted on the windows and the entrances to bring good luck. But this year, I decided to make the decoration all by myself.
  {原创范例} A master of the craft can cut out different drawings freely only using a pair of scissors. But I didn’t venture to do it that way. I googled the pattern I wanted before printing it out on a piece of red paper. It was the character ‘Chun’. Then I used an engraving knife to cut out the pattern. And an amazing piece of folk art emerged.
  在描述制作过程的时候几乎没有用什么很专业的词。我们千万不要到网上去查一堆资料然后把所有的专业描述统统塞到脑子里去。 优的策略是绕开所有的难点。此外在这里还把艺人的剪纸方式和我的方式做了一个对比。 (责任编辑:admin)

