细节决定成败,在雅思口语考试中,这一点尤为重要。南京朗阁雅思的老师举例为大家来说说。 在雅思的part 2部分话题中,考生需要就一个话题展开2分钟的论述。而之前的1分钟准备时间里,实际上考生只能够写下几个提示的信息点来帮助自己展开想表述的话题,无法做到写下大量信息而帮助自己照着所写的内容进行论述。因此,在2分钟的论述之中加入细节信息乃至例子都是很好的应对方法,即能够扩充内容和延长时间,又可以使自己的整体论述显得丰富有趣。 朗阁的老师把下面的口语话题作为范例解析: Describe a school you attended when you were a child. Key points: Kindergarten, many children, kind teacher, learn. Alright,【口语表达方式】 I'd like to tell you about 【比较自然的沟通方式】the kindergarten I attended when I was like 3 or 4 years old. Actually at my first day in that school, I was a little terrified coz 【口语用词】at the time I was a bit shy and quite clingy to my mum. It took her a great effort to persuade me into the kindergarten.【比较鲜活的细节描述】 Believe it or not, it was a nice place, with a two-storey building and a pretty little courtyard, which is an ideal spot for the kids to do some exercise. Anyway, my mum led me into a class on the second floor. There were two teachers and about 20 kids in that room, and the short-haired teacher looked me into the eyes, with a really kind smile on her face. I used to be quite intimidated by strangers, but seeing this teacher made me feel quite at ease, 【详细的心理活动叙述也有助于使整体表述加立体和生动】coz, you know, she was such a nice lady, and I liked her immediately. Who wouldn’t? 【反问的形式】So luckily my mum didn’t go through a lot of trouble to let me settle down in that class. (责任编辑:admin) |