今天朗阁南京英语培训机构小编带带大家回顾一下7月18日雅思口语考题,顺便给大家一些小建议,正在准备雅思考试的同学可以学习一下哦。 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为新题) Being aloneFish Laugh Discussion Staying up late Public transportation Meeting new people Tidiness Newspapers & magazines Jokes Shopping Water Sports .Desserts and cakesPen and pencil Famous people Science classes Age Sleep Beautiful sceneryInsects Work or study Cooking Part2新题汇总 人物类: Describe a person you are happy to know Describe an old person you know and respect Describe a friend who is a good leader 物品类: Describe a souvenir you bought Describe a film that made you think a lot Describe an application (program) you usually use on your phone Describe a large company that you are interested in Describe a sport that you would like to try for the first time 事件类: Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise Describe a (long) car journey you went on Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood Describe a volunteering experience you have had Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made Describe a time when a family member asked you for help Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed Describe a time when you missed an appointment Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know Describe a time you are surprised to meet a friend Describe an art exhibition you recently saw Describe an occasion when you wasted your time 地点类: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again Describe a place where you are able to relax Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 随着收集到更多的考生回忆,这一期的考题回顾和上一期的新题汇总有一些变化哦,请朗阁的烤鸭们好好看一下。Part1是大家应该好好应对的部分,因为这决定了你们的起始分。如果你觉得只要随便答一答就好的话,那么大概率你的起始分就会很低,后面努力往上拉的困难就会更大。这边汪老师建议大家在第一部分就秀出你们最强的气势和表现,震住考官,让他对你的评价一开始就拉高。然后后面再用有趣的part2和顺畅的part3来维持住分数甚至更提升分数。 Part2: 本季度part2的新题大部分都是事件类。这一类话题对于很多人来说都是有一定难度的。因为中国学生不擅长去把一个事情说得生动有趣。这边汪老师教大家一个技巧,几句话叙述+一两句情绪化的评论或者比喻。 比如本季度有一个话题叫做被噪音困扰的时刻,在描述完噪音的原因后可以说一下and then my nightmare started, 之后就具体说噪音的环境是如何的,之后可以带一句it totally drove me nuts! 这样听起来就会很饱含情绪,很生动了。 考试建议 第二场考试结束,不知道大家发挥得怎样呢? 最近由于考点逐渐恢复,相信大家的机会也越来越多啦。换题季的口语,关键还是要灵活。 简单说,回答要个人化,个性化,而不是照本宣科。祝福大家都能早日和雅思分手! (责任编辑:jasmine) |