本周的雅思考试又要开始了,同学们和老师一起回顾一下7月18日雅思听力考题吧,重点关注一下文章尾部的考题预测哦,准备考试的同学可以好好准备哦。 场景话题: S1 咨询场景/ S2 跑步比赛设施的位置/ S3 小学生课外实践采访/ S4 音乐教育学说 S1填空/ S2 选择+地图/ S3 单选+多选/ S4 填空 朗阁名师陈楚仪点评 本次考试难度正常偏难,本场考试填空题出现在S1、S4。答案(仅供参考)如下: S1: 1. The type of room the woman booked is Garden room/Lounge 2. Room available:double room 118.The girl said she has some friends to stay overnight, so they asked for the rooms left,the answered that there are some double rooms. 3. Checkout time is 1.30pm/12.30.Normal checkout time 12pm;the latest time is 13:30,as they need half an hour to clean the room. 4. Basic price:10.25/10.50 5. Gym for adults only(are not safe for children) 6. Both include lunch as desert,salad(s) with dessert for vegetarian. 7. All prices include coffee. 8. Guests gather at hotel’s Sunset lounge 9. Contract event manager:Mandy Stannington. Notice:double”n” 10. The telephone number of anther hotel :945215733 S211-14 11. what is the main purpose of the Art by the Sea Event A. to help find the development of young artists 12. Visitors who attend the film show will see B. talks from exhibiting artists 13. At the “Art work for sale” building, volunteers must prevent visitors from B. taking photographs 14. Volunteers who work in the cafe are required to C. clean the tables 15. building: H 16. sculptures: B 17. children’s sculpture: J 18. trail information desk: G 19. art work for sale: C 20. D S4 31The general idea of music education is negative 32 You can listen to music such as a shop,a cafe and a gallery 33 People in prison can benefit a lot from music 34 It is not necessary for people to have talent to appreciate music 35 teach music as a link 36 Children's math ability can be enhanced by listening to music 37 One school let students play music recorders in groups and discover performance was better than peers 38 Music promote children’s patience and concentration 39 Children can learn other languages by singing 40 Disabled people learn drum before other instrument 7月第二场雅思听力考试例题仍然有例题的时间,考试整体难度偏难,语速较快。S1考察的是关于房间预订和旅馆入住的相关问题,考察了酒店房间名,时间、价格、电话号码等数字,以及一些食物的单词,词汇难度较简单,注意平时要提升语速练习。S2考察的是跑步比赛设施,地图题也出现了,确实是去年考试频率增加的题目,所以平时练习也要引起重视S3十道选择题,单选加多选的组合形式,整体语速较快,审题的时候一定要先审题干,重点去找题干的同义替换然后进行选择S4讨论的是音乐的教育学说,整体词汇不难,平时要加强场景词汇的听写。本场考试需注意地图题以及十道选择题的题型,地图题平时要加强练习,还有十道选择题也很考验审题速度。参考剑桥练习:剑8Test2 Section2;剑8Test4 Section2;剑9Test1Section3 备注: 本场考试四个部分2旧2新。填空选择比例20:20。题型方面,S1 10道填空题,主要考察咨询场景,对于预定房间的场景可以多练习;S2选择+地图,地图题考察的频率还是很高的,要做针对性练习S3单选+多选,整体语速较快,选择题的做题技巧可以多练习,注意审题和听题速度的提高S4考察笔记填空,本场考察的词汇都是常规词汇,音乐教育的一个学说,注意场景词汇的积累。 考试预测 1. 场景方面:场景方面依然是主流场景(咨询、旅游生活场景、课程讨论、学科探讨和讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1咨询,租房,求职 ,S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论及论文写作,S4各类学科探讨和讲座。 2. 题型:本次考试题型设置较常规。S1,S4填空为主;S2,S3单选/多选和配对为主。 3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2015-2018年机经为主。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |