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时间:2014-09-26 10:51来源:朗阁小编作者:Judy




练习口语的初级阶段,同学们都会喜欢使用抽象宽泛的词汇来描述人物或者事物,比如nice, beautiful, great, good,different, terrible, many,a lot, 实际上这些词汇过于大众化,容易千篇一律。在描述的时候,不妨选择一些具体,细节化的词汇。如,

I like this place, because it is nice.

I like this place because it is quiet and peaceful.

Listening to the ocean waves on the beach relaxes me and helps meto relieve stress.

个例子中的nice是同学们很容易想到的词汇,但是在描述地点时却显得过于宽泛。第二句话中用到peaceful和quiet,从安静这个角度出发来描述地点,比单单用nice要具象。后面讲到listening to the waves on the beach描述了一个画面,很有说服力。

托福口语怎么回答有深度?2.使用例子, 好是亲身经历。

是对观点 有力的支撑,也是对观点的进一步解释说明。找到合适的例子,用熟练的语言叙述,能够给口语部分加分。在举例子的时候, 适合,并且容易说的例子应该是我们的亲身经历了。因为独立口语题本身就具有很大的主观性,一般题目问的都是你 喜欢的餐厅,你 喜欢的电影,所以以自己为主角举例有人切合题意。如,

Describe a person that you respect.

My old basketball coach from high school was very supportive,

and that’s why I respected her so much. She was there for us all the time.

For example, she would always comment on our throwing or ball handling.

If we missed the net a lot, she would demonstrate techniques and worked with each player. She would also ask us to be confident of ourselves.



加入数字,是增加内容丰富性和说服力的好方法。与其在口语中重复强调很快,很多,很方便,显得啰嗦,不如直接用数字来的直观。比如,It takes me only 15 minutes to travel from Wuxi to Suzhou by train. The train can reach a speed of 300 km per hour.Every month my mom only gives me 500 RMB.通过加入数字,抽象的形容词也能给人留下具体的印象。


45秒钟的时间不长,但是托福学生肯定都遇到过找不到话说,时间过得太慢的问题。其实,要想把口语说的丰满,就要化抽象为具体。无论是用名词,形容词还是动词,都要往细节里描写,从小的地方着手。比如,描写一辆车,我们可以用Car - Red car – red convertible– red Ford convertible– red Ford convertible in the 1960s从简单地一个单词car到 后的red Ford convertible in the 1960s,我们看到了从宽泛到细节的变化。如果在口语中,大家能化大为小,那么完整地说完45秒钟应该不成问题。


Which do you prefer, reading novel, poem or magazine

e.g. During reading fashion magazine, I’m able to get the new information and see new pictures.

Revised version: During reading fashion magazine such as Vogue, Bazaar, Im able to obtain the latest information and see fresh pictures.


暗语或者比喻听起来好像很难,但是其实在口语中用到的机会还是很多的。在描述事物某一特性的时候,我们可以将它与其他类似事物做一个对比,从而达到一个加形象的表达效果。例如,  My friend is as fast as a cheetah.My sister is like an angel.I was drowning in homework.



