Emotional Eaters 情绪化暴食者 Emotional eaters are those people who eat for psychological reasons, turning to junk food when they are anxious, depressed or stressed. 情绪化暴食者是那些出于心理原因而暴饮暴食的人,他们通常在焦虑、抑郁或压力大的时候狂吃垃圾食品。 Feasters 贪吃型暴食者 Feasters find it hard to stop eating. When most people eat, a specific hormones in our gut send a strong message to the brain, telling the brain the stomach is full. But if a person is a feaster, scientists believe they produce less of the gut hormone. It means the signal telling a person to stop eating is weaker. 贪吃型暴食者一开吃就停不下来。大多数人在吃饱的时候,胃肠会分泌出一种荷尔蒙,向大脑发出强烈讯号,告知大脑自己已经吃够了。但科学家认为,贪吃型暴食者分泌的这种荷尔蒙少。这意味着告知大脑应该停止进食的讯号也较弱。 Constant Cravers 吃不饱型暴食者 Constant cravers feel hungry most of the time. Scientists believe this factor could indicate a person has more of the genes that tend to make you feel hungrier. 吃不饱型暴食者总是觉得饿。科学家认为这是因为这种人带有多让人感觉饥饿的基因。 (责任编辑:admin) |