南京朗阁托福词汇之“波霸餐厅” 如今在美国,去普通餐厅吃个平谈无奇的意大利面或乏味的汉堡已不再有吸引力。但如果吃汉堡的时候还有美女看,那效果就大不一样了。近年来由于餐饮业不景气,美国兴起了以胸器为卖点的 “breastaurants (波霸餐厅)”。 A breastaurant is a restaurant that has sexual undertones, most commonly in the form of large-breasted, skimpily-dressed waitresses and barmaids and double-entendre brand name. 波霸餐厅是指带有性意味的餐厅,这种餐厅的服务员或女招待都是穿着暴露的大胸妹子,而店名多是双关语。 The so-called "breastaurants" take inspiration from Hooters, the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose. But today's cleavage chains have updated the concept with fresher-looking spaces and menus better suited to today's young people who are increasingly interested in artisanal food and craft beer. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。 不过,如今的“露胸连锁店”升级了这一概念,他们提供风格清新的就餐环境、适合今天年轻人口味的菜单如手工食品和精酿啤酒。 (责任编辑:admin) |