托福考试听力部分是北美考试的拼盘,ets看来还是看好北美试题,考生们需要努力练习,提高自己的听力水平啊。以下文章2012年4月22日托福听力真题解析。 Task 1.是北美的2010.6.19的题目,主要是关于大学有用没用。 题目:Your friend wants to drop out of college, do you agree with this choice? 参考答案:If I had a friend that wanted to drop out of college, I would try and persuade him to stay in school. Maybe in the past it was easy to be successful without a college degree, but nowadays, it is impossible to find a decent job without a degree from a university. In this economy it is even hard to find a good job with a college degree! I know people like Steve Jobs never finished college, but I think he is an exception. My brother had trouble in school and he decided to drop out. For a few years he tried to find a job, but it was nearly impossible without a degree. So he went back to school, got his degree, and is now a manager. 分析:观点一,不同意肯定是比较容易回答的。我们离开学校就会失去很多东西 1.少了获取知识的途径。过早离开学校,导致知识匮乏,很难解决现代化的问题。 2.少了建立人脉的机会,在学校可以积累人脉,而过早离开学校则很难。 3.过早离开学校很危险。因为同学还没有成熟,如果离开学,面对很多外界的东西,缺乏判断力。很容易学坏,危险。 观点二,如果说同意,当然也可以,只不过说起来可能会略显怪异。 1.离开学校很自由,可以根据自己的想法去探究世界。 2.离开学校不等于学不到知识,可以根绝自己的兴趣,去专研某一门知识。 (责任编辑:admin) |