【讲课要点】讲majority influence的定义:跟随大部分人的观点。之后介绍了其两种类型:m- formational influence and normative influence。 1 1 informational influence。你开车不知which way to go,你认为应turn right,但车里其他人认为应go straight,你的答案其实是正确的,但是你仍然听取了大家的意见。 2) normative influence。和朋友看电影,看完你觉得awful,但朋友认为great,你不会表达自己的观点,而会附和大部分人的观点,否则其他人会认为你不合群。 Sample answer: The lecture tells us about majority influence and two types of it: informative influence and normative influence. Then the professor goes on to explain that by giving two examples. One is that when driving a car, you don' t know which way to go, all of your friends in the car suggest going straight. Even though you think it should be turning right, you will choose to go straight anyway. Another example is after watching a movie, others say it' s very interesting; you will say so even if you consider it very boring because you need to get along with a certain group of people rather than keep isolated by holding a different opinion. (责任编辑:admin) |