Morning Routine Holidays
Seasons/Weather Work or study
Drinking water Sports
Foreign food Gifts
Shoes Letters
Being boredRainy days
Map Cities
Describe an interesting person that you never meet but want to know
Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country
Describe a childhood friend of yours
Describe a person who tries to protect the environment
Describe a person you know who is talkative
Describe a place you would like to visit in the future
Describe a building you like
Describe a quiet place you found
Describe an interesting city that you know
Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh
Describe a book that you recently read
Describe a good law in your country
Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn
Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important
Describe a gift that you made and gave it to others
Describe a second language (except English) that you want to learn
Describe a game that you played in your childhood
Describe a class/lecture that you are interested in
Describe a magazine you enjoy watching.
Describe something given to you that you really need
Describe a successful family business that you know
Describe a sport that you have watched before and you want to try
Describe an interesting animal
Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members
Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift
Describe an experience that you were scared
Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet
Describe a time that you took some medicine
Describe a time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken
Describe a party that you joined
Describe the time when received your first cell phone
Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result
Part 1: 九月最后一场考试整体来说part1题目除了一些上个季度老题之外,附加的新题都没有太过于奇怪和难懂其实也是去年的一些旧咖重出江湖而已大家不要害怕&紧张。 同学们在准备第一部分的时候主要的精力是放在对一些新题的理解和演练中,面对一些披着新题外衣让你大跌眼镜的老题譬如说shoes和weather 同学们在准备的时候只需要适当的开发语料和理解就可以恰如其分地做到处变不惊,面对具有中式特色的提问也需要大家提前留意和贮备一些eye-catching的常用表达方式。
Part2: 整个P2的部分整体相较于上个月的题目并无太大的变化,一些经典老题的反水也能间接的使你的在这部分上的准备变得不再那么没头没脑,各别素材语料的串联可以更加多样化但是应对一些抽象题目希望大家可以脚踏实地对采用生活中的例子和尝试去elaborate它,同时在一分钟的准备时间内可以多多去联想下某些小问题是否可以进行合理的逻辑性串联从而达到在一个小故事中cover掉某两道题目的答案,不用在机械地应对每个小问题的阐述时缺乏相应的故事性。
南京朗阁明星老师王垚考试建议: 目前随着我们朗阁最新口语的机经再一次保质保量地新鲜出炉,保证大家能在考试前多几乎所有的题目有个大致的了解甚至是或多或少的演练,相信大家对新题和老题的应对方面,心理上应该不会有着太多的起伏,还是那句话不打没有准备的仗,除了事先对题目的理解和素材的交互使用之外,大家还要保证有相应的逻辑顺序和流利度。所以希望大家善用机经做到从容不迫。相信自己,创造佳绩!!!
(责任编辑:admin) |